Designated MAE1716--radiographed, XRF
A small rim fragment from an LB manghal, possibly the same manghal as Ar/Ab.AB1.06.C.01. The rounded rim appears crimped on the exterior, with an uneven, wavy appearance that gives way to the actual exterior surface. The exterior is undecorated, but there are numerous straw impressions on both surfaces, as well as a very high mica content that makes both surfaces shimmer. Both surfaces are smoothed, but undulating and "lumpy." There are also several burn out holes and/or inclusion pops on both surfaces. Both surfaces feature numerous horizontal wiping marks and impressions. It is assumed here that the “interior” is the Black surface and the exterior the Brown one, based on the reconstructed AB3 manghal and the pyrotechnic burn patterns on the ArAGATS manghals more generally. 50% of the exterior surface features moderate amount of gray mottling. The superior rim surface is abraded and discolored, featuring a thin layer of white concretion. Sherd is thick, hard, and very difficult to break, so band counting is with .75 confidence. In addition to the medium sand, significant frequencies of fine, coarse, and very coarse sand are visible in the fabric. Breaks are rough.
No characteristics supplied for shoulder.
From Interior to Exterior