This sherd from an indeterminate vessel was found in the AB3 LB pit, but is not diagnostic to the LB. It highly resembles and likely belonged to the same deep, unrestricted vessel Ar/Ab.AB3.22.C.01. No join between the two samples is apparent. It features the same linear impressions and dark discoloration on the exterior. The exterior of this fragment is almost completely Black, with slight mottling by Reddish Brown 5YR 5/4 (whereas Ar/Ab.AB3.22.C.01 is Reddish Brown with Black mottling. Again, this dark coloration does not appear to consist of carbon deposits (i.e.: it does not rub off). The band 1 color should be 5YR 3/4, not 3/3. Very coarse sand dominates the fabric, most of it black (basalt or grog?), but larger grit and pebble particles as well as coarse and medium sand are also present in significant amounts. No pyrite visible in the fabric. Breaks are hackly.
From Interior to Exterior