A small KA vessel with more shoulder than neck preerved--in fact, there is not enough neck to really say if its profile is concave or straight. At the top of the shoulder sits a circumferential register of overlapping, superiorily pointed triangles or zigzags. These overlapping lines create numerous cells or compartments filed with vertical lines. There does not seem to be a particular organization to which cells are filled and which aren't, but the fragment is too small to conclusively determine. The exerior surface is highly polished and shiny, while the internal surface features circumferential rotational striations. In additin to the medium sand particles noted above, fIne sand grains are also present, composing at least %40 of the inculsions. The exterior surface features several small pyrite pops or spalls. Breaks are smooth and there is 20% brown corrosion present on the interior surface.
From Interior to Exterior