Designated MAE227--radiographed, XRF, SAXS. A fragment from a small taper short-necked LM jar. The decorative schema consists of one circumferential incised wavy line decoration followed and slightly intruded upon by two circumferential incised lines, the superior-most one of which is almost obscured by the wavy line. Both are positioned on the superior shoulder. The superimposition suggests that the lines were applied with a comb and the wavy line added singularly after. Significant portions of the exterior polish, which appears to have begun on the exterior shoulder and applied inferiorly, are now abraded off, particularly within each incised decoration. Dense circumferential rotational striations are visible on both surfaces. The exterior surface features limited amounts of light gray and white corrosion, while the interior is intermittently mottled with dark and light gray and corrosion. In addition to the fine sand, significant frequencies of coarse sand are visible in the fabric and limited amounts perforate all surfaces. The external surface features two rather large pyrite pops, approx 0.25 cm in diameter. Breaks are rough.
From Interior to Exterior