Designated MAE239--radiographed, XRF, SAXS. Undecorated chunk from a likely LM pithos. Dense circumferential rotational striations are visible on the interior surface, while the exterior exhibits moderate frequencies of circumferential rotational striations and linear impressions from vegetal or textile materials (external body). The interior is interior is 50% mottled with Reddish Brown 2.5YR 4/3, and features limited amounts of light gray corrosion. In addition to the silt, significant frequencies of coarse and very coarse sand are visible in the fabric. These larger particles are mostly limited to core band one, where may constitute an effectively separate paste (at least at this point on near the b/bs transition) than the core band one with silt inclusions. Inclusions perforate both surfaces in limited frequencies. Breaks are hackley.
From Interior to Exterior