Designated MAE158--radiographed, XRF, SAXS. A significant profile fragment from a small LB vessel (r/b). The decorative schema consists of a single application of circumferential comb-incised lines--4 lines in total--beginning at the inferior neck and going onto the shoulder. The lines average 1.75mm in width and are spaced on average 0.2 cm apart. All surfaces are highly polished, except for the superior neck. Polish has been removed from between the comb incisions and on the superior neck (possibly in forming the neck indent and the rim). Dense circumferential rotational striations are visible on all surfaces. The initial comb line is almost completely covered in Black GY1 2.5/N, approximately 10% of the surface. The interior is mottled with 30% Brown 5YR 5/2 and features a single crack/fissure at the n/s transition, 1.6cm in length, running right to left. In addition to the medium sand, significant amounts of coarse sand are visible in the fabric. Limited amounts of pyrite pops and moderate frequencies of medium sand perforating inclusions are visible in both surfaces. Breaks are smooth.
From Interior to Exterior