Designated MAE181--radiographed, XRF, SAXS. Fragment from a medium sized LB vessel. The decorative schema consists one circumferential line of oblique hatches running upper right to lower left and one circumferential relief line. There is a possible third decoration that sits superior to decoration element 1, but it is omly represented by a single, incomplete linear impression (2 cm in length) and therefore not conclusive. The hatches average 0.8 cm in length and overlap one another. Approximately 1.5 cm of vertical space separate the two decorations. Exterior polish is rather dulled. The interior is either coarse finished or completely abraded away as it is completely rough and very flaky. Dense circumferential rotational striations are visible on the exterior surface. The exterior surface features limited amounts of light gray corrosion, particularly on the inferior-most portion of the sherd, which also hosts a rather mild crack or fissure, measuring approximately 3 cm in length. In addition to the medium sand, significant amounts of coarse and very coarse sand are visible in the fabric and perforating both surfaces. Bother surfaces feature very limited amounts of pyrite pops. Breaks are rough.
From Interior to Exterior