Designated MAE197--radiographed, XRF, SAXS. Fragment from a small LM jar. The decorative schema consists of a single circumferential zig-zag decoration on the superior shoulder, followed immediately by a sequence of six comb-incised lines running right up to the sherd break. The lines average 0.2 cm in width and are spaced on average 0.175 cm apart. The zig-zags average 1.7 cm in length and 0.22 cm in width. The rim is indented, but there is no option for 3-part, indented. The rim is not rolled, but clearly 'bent.' Dense circumferential rotational striations are visible on both surfaces, but more clear on the unpolished exterior. In addition to the fine sand, significant amounts of coarse sand are visible in the fabric and moderate amounts perforate all surfaces. Limited frequencies of pyrite pops are visible in all surfaces. Breaks are rough.
From Interior to Exterior