The rim-to-shoulder (just a tiny part of the body) portion of approximately 50% of a small KA jar, not unrestricted enough to be called a beaker. The sherd consists of 5 joined sub-fragments. The decorative schema of the vessel consists of a single register of impressed and incised ornaments situated on the lower portion of the neck, just above the n/s transition. The register is bounded above and below by a loosely rendered circumferential incised line. From left to right, the first part of the register itself consists of 4 isosceles triangles sitting on their median sides, filled with oblique hatches--the triangles are angled lower left to upper right. The second part of the register follows immediately to the right and consists of oblique hatches running from upper left to lower right and spaced on average 0.4cm apart. Every other space between the hatched is filled with wedge-shaped 'point' ornaments. There are 7 of these hatch spaces in total. A single pinch handle, ledge-shape with an indentation in the center, sits on the neck at the same level as the decorative register, on the left side. In addition to the black color mentioned above the exterior is mottled with Gray 7.5YR 6/1 throughout. The interior gray is mottled with Black GY1 2.5/N and Very Dark Gray GY1 3/N, particularly on the rim and body. The highly polished exterior features intense horizontal burnishing marks that spill over on the interior rim. The internal surface shows moderate circumferential rotational striations. There is very little pyrite visible in both surfaces. While the primary inclusions consist of fine sand, medium sand is present in moderate amounts as well. Occasional particles of very coarse sand are also visible in the surfaces. Breaks are rough and corrosion is not present.
From Interior to Exterior