This large jar rim sherd exhibits the features of a more compact paste fired at a rather high temperature. The three core bands represent a thick slipping of the interior and exterior and a nicely controlled firing in a reduced atmosphere. The temper is also well sorted and not too large, suggesting again a particularism in paste preparation. The exterior surface seems to have been polished, at least slightly, around the wavy decorations, but much of this polish has abraded away. These wavy lines seem to belong to what was a thick register of wavy lines, traces of which continue lower, perhaps all constituting one decoration element applied with a comb, but they are separated enough on this sherd to warrant two registers. There is some mica popping on the exterior surface, but no corrosion to speak of. The interior surface features basket or textile impressions up to the neck area. Inclusions are visible in the interior surface, as well as mica, and about 10% coverage with light yellowish brown corrosion. The interior and exterior surface colors are inconsistent, almost like firing clouds, perhaps resulting from the Gegharot conflagrations. Annular scratching on the rim suggests some rotational technique during formation.
From Interior to Exterior