A large and very friable sherd from an LB storage jar. Carbon traces on the external vessel surface most likely derive from one of the Gegharot destruction layers. The crumbly nature of the fabric also supports this, and the core color contains dark brown mottling in addition to the listed black. While the main inclusionary material is medium sand, there are also numerous coarse sand particles present. Both the internal and external surfaces feature rotational striations, but the internal surface also displays fabric/textile impressions or rilling up to the internal neck. A lot of larger temper particles, grit, very coarse sand, are also pressing through the internal surface. The internal and external surfaces are covered with 15% light yellowish brown corrosion. The zig-zag design is very faint, and is followed by at least 8 thin linear ornaments which proceed down the shoulder underneath the register of nail incisions. The may even proceed further down the vessel, but it is difficult to say as there is a lot of carbon on this sherd. No visible mica popping, the breaks are rough.
From Interior to Exterior