Rim sherd likely derived from a small, neck-less LB jar. The exterior rim is highly eroded, but most likely was rounded in shape. Thus, rim diameter is only an estimation. Immediately below the rim are three registers of triangle ornamentation on the shoulder--not circumferential, all located on the left side of the sherd. All of the triangles are isosceles and each subsequent row (superior to inferior) edges slightly to the right the entire ornamental effect is of a tapered set of stamped triangles potentially forming a single larger triangle. Three are visible in the first register, four in the second and third. The exterior surface is highly abraded, spalled, and 30% covered in light brown and light yellowish brown corrosion. The interior in comparatively unabraded and features circumferential rotational striations and 20% light yellowish brown corrosion. There are significant frequencies of medium sand present in the fabric in addition to the fine sand mentioned above. Moderate amounts of pyrite, pyrite poppings, and perforating inclusions are visible in all surfaces. Breaks are rough and almost 100% coated in light yellowish brown corrosion.
From Interior to Exterior