It is the topsoil of operation T23. The soil color is dark brown. The surface is sloping. One large stone is on the right side of the surface, the other stones are widespread in the other sides of the surface. From the topsoil some mixed EB and LB sherds have been found. Most of the sherds are small sized, except one LB sherd. The removing of topsoil revealed a very big natural rock close to some irregular structures.In the lower side of the trench, three arranged stones revealed a curve. Nearby of this curve structure only Early Bronze pottery has been found. The finds included also a deer anthler tool.Top elevation on lower side: 2290.976, on higher side: 2293.451Bottom elevation on lower side: ????, on higher side: 2292.529
Type | Code | Entered By | Period | Complete | Actions |
CeramicObject | Ar/Ge.T23.01.CO.02 | Adam Smith | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
CeramicObject | Ar/Ge.T23.01.CO.03 | Adam Smith | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
CeramicObject | Ar/Ge.T23.01.CO.01 | Adam Smith | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
CeramicObject | Ar/Ge.T23.01.CO.04 | Adam Smith | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
Lithic | Ar/Ge.T23.01.L.06 | Samuel Haroutunian | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
Lithic | Ar/Ge.T23.01.L.01 | Samuel Haroutunian | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
Lithic | Ar/Ge.T23.01.L.05 | Samuel Haroutunian | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
Lithic | Ar/Ge.T23.01.L.04 | Samuel Haroutunian | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
Lithic | Ar/Ge.T23.01.L.02 | Samuel Haroutunian | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
Lithic | Ar/Ge.T23.01.L.03 | Samuel Haroutunian | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |
Metal | Ar/Ge.T23.01.M.01 | Adam Smith | Indeterminate | Yes | ViewEdit |