Top elevation refers to the centre of the locus. For further elevations see field notebook p. 18.
Stone wall located along the eastern half of T46. It is covered by locus 2 and filled by 4, 8, 12, 11. It runs from the SW in NE direction. Its NW and SE extremities are made of large sub-rectangular stones that are laid on bedrock, while its central body consists of three main stone courses laid on top of each other and laid against bedrock. The extension of T46 towards north, west, and south has revealed no continuation of W1 towards the NW or the SE, although magnetometry survey seems to suggest that W1 continues for several meters towards SE. This may be due to the fact that W1 is either broken or simply represents a reinforcement structure laid against bedrock in order to better exploit the slope in this part of the settlement.
No Entities