This locus is the soil beneath the topsoil. It seems to be mostly wash. There are quite a lot of grass/weed roots, but also a couple larger roots, about 1cm diameter. Again the matrix is dark brown silty loam. We screened the areas (NW and E side) where we found ceramic sherds. In the NW they may be from one smashed vessel, no rims, but a couple base sherds. The bag from the NW contains 102 sherds varying in size from sm/med to very small and they seem to be mainly orange. The bag from the W (n=43) range is size small-very small and are dark brown, some with a zig-zag design, a couple rim sherds. The nag from the E only contains 3 sherds. We collected a few pieces of obsidian debitage (n=9) from around the whole locus.cromlech/burial: N-S d=6.10m and E-W d= 5.74m.Datum A:2128.469Datum B:2127.192Elevations from Dat.BNE:2125.742-2125.552NW:2125.332-2125.292SW: 2126.472-2125.682SE:2127.012-rock (from Dat A. 2127.309)C:2126.647-2126.647
No Entities