The full profile of this jar is visible from this (joined) sherd. Its low shoulder meets with a straight body that angles down to a thick base. On the interior, the join of the neck is visible in the unsmoothed clay. The surfaces of the vessel are mottled, with a darker brown around the body and an orange beige on the shoulder, neck and rim. There is another join to a sherd that is probably being coded separately for analysis. In addition to fine sand there is some crushed rock in the fabric. The exterior colors are different above and below the shoulder-body break. The shoulder is the color indicated above. The body is a mottled dark to light brown. The interior color also has a dark brown patch on the body. Part of the sherd was taken to the US for analysis. It was MAE 035. Was also sent for INAA in Feb. 2007.
From Interior to Exterior