SAME VESSEL AS WSAC2.14 - discovered while reading pottery
This locus constitutes a large rim sherd of a storage vessel found while taking out the wheelbarrow ramp in WSAC2, at an elevation that is roughly 15 cm higher than the floor excavated last year. The sherd was determined to be 6th-4th centuries by Ruben. Associated with the rim sherd are two other sherds and several bones, in an 80 by 80 meter area roughly a meter from the SW wall and 1 meter from the NW baulk. There were also several medium to small size stones near the rim sherd, which was lying at a slant in a dark, aerated matrix that does not seem like a floor but may represent some cultural fill directly above one, associated with Feature 15. Rim was excavated and removed 9/7/11 and a soil sample was taken from beneath and around it.