This locus constitutes the remaining brownish mottled clay-y silt along the NW baulk in WSAC2, abutting the paved floor (Locus 24) and running into the western corner of the operation. This layer rests directly beneath Locus 21, the dark overburden/wash, and above several more paved stones which are at a slightly lower elevation but likely contemporaneous with the paved floor in the rest of the operation. There is a large amount of charcoal in this locus and two soil samples were taken 18/7/11, which revealed more stones. See notebook for sketch and elevations; given is center.
From this locus came another piece of the red-burnished Iron III vessel with 'petals' radiating from the neck.
Closing elevation is top of stone about 1 m from NE baulk, 5 m from NE baulk.