12.13.12 This entry applies to two sherds of the same vessel, found across different loci and operations (WSAC2, 32, 33 and WSAC3, 9, 16), and initially thought to belong to WSAC2.23.C.01 (the thicker black burnished vessel with lobing). For this reason, included in bag that spans four loci, even though now clear that only two sherds belong to this vessel. These sherds instead belong to a fluted vessel, probably an amphora type vessel, of the same style as WSAD.14.C.04 (and even may belong to same vessel, though since found in separate operations and no join, I'm treating as distinct). The dimensions above refer only to the one sherd that has clear canluring--the other is a flat sherd, but same fabric and surface treatments, thickness, etc. Did not fragment for fresh fracture since may find more of the vessel in finishing rooms WSAC and WSAD. Clear metal "imitation" of silver fluted vessels.
No characteristics supplied for body.
From Interior to Exterior