Started the day in the NE corner of Gate Grid in block 5E, but skipped the eastern 5m of the block due to giant rocks and outcrop at the base of a large knoll. This knoll is another area where the outcrop is riddled with cupules; they are not smooth like you'd expect from a morter that saw regular grinding, but they're definitely hollowed out intentionally. Some are squarish, some round, some large (25cm), other quite small. They seem to cluster on promontory outcrops, so I wonder if they were used for lighting perhaps filled with oil. One of the areas on the knoll at the NE corner of the grid contains a triangular carved out area about 50cm long with arcs carved into the sides. Very odd (perhaps later period?). Anyway, finished five data blocks today (all of eastern column of grid). Will finish last block (2D) tomorrow and redo 3D and 4D then as well. This data file in mag is 18sstlmt.wg.