This morning I staked out to 4 possible anomalies in the SLT area using the coordinates taken from Arc and the rectified mag survey hillshades. These included the SW and NW corners of the large subsurface structure, an interior anomaly near the NE area of the structure, and the large anomaly at the SW area of the structure in block 2A. There is no surface evidence for any of these anomalies, so whatever is giving off the signal is definitely subsurface. after driving stakes in these points (ANOM 1-4 in the data collector), I walked over the area with the mag just to make sure we were on target, particularly with the large on in 2A. Everything lined up well, so this is where we decided to lay out a 2x2m test trench that will hopefully uncover the anomaly as well as some of the subsurface architecture and some datable material. A tall order but hopefully we'll get some good information. The test trench is SLT 8, and by the end of the day we'd removed the sod and excavated down about 20cm into topsoil (locus 1) before the rains came at the end of the day. So far the topsoil as already produced a half bag of sherds, a few obsidian flakes, and a couple of bone fragments. Disturbingly, it also produced about a 3-4 inch length of what looks like chain link fencing; it was very clean so is not likely iron, but I'm hoping this wasn't what produced the large 1.7m anomaly that we're chasing. Monday I'll run the mag over it the area around the trench again to see if the signal is sill there after removing that modern metal.