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2008-07-30. Wednesday. AM hot, though breezy, slightly overcast. We are going to focus on the situation in the eastern 2/3 of the trench, which is where the rockfall is concentrated, and which is roughly correspondent to the LB sector of the adjoining open trench. Mostly we are removing all the soil we can with shovels from off of the rocks before switching to patiches and trowels. Also today we are starting to backfill the finished sector of T19-- we laid plastic over the easternmost section of the primary LB wall (locus 118) and began to stack football- sized stones against the exposed face of locus 107 which is under the LB walls in midtrench, throwing our spoil from the new exposure up against the stones and covering the bedrock floor. we are leaving the front of locus 113 as clear as possible-- hopefully before the end of the season we can clarify that whole scenario. in the afternoon it got very windy and i got some workers + EGAF. we continued rock cleaning and backfill, while she and her workers focused on the area above the logical continuation of the LB wall from main T19 into this exposure (that's locus 119. the westernmost, N-S running LB wall which enters the north baulk around 4 m.) we'll see much we get done tomorrow given the expected high temperatures.