Hasmik started drawing WSD today. Excavation of locus 16 proceeded and toward the end of the day we resumed in locus 17 as well. I collected a small charcoal sample from locus 16, just adjacent to the end of the flagstone floor. Also, I troweled around the northeast wall today, particularly in an area where some stones of the wall seemed to be jutting out into the room. These stones were clearly out of place with the wall. (As in the case with much of this wall -- several stones of the upper courses appear to be leaning inwards.) Decided eventually to remove them, even though they were clearly wall stones. Two other stones were visible beneath them, and these were still in place. I wanted to expose these so that the regular course of the wall would be visible in Hasmik's drawing. Spent the latter part of the day cleaning the flagstone floor for drawing and photography.