08.02.2008A very interesting day!At Burial 10 we continued to clean off locus 1, but of course someone forgot the shovel so we borrowed Ian's until he could go home to get it. He also brought coffee. Then the shovel cracked making work a little slower. So everyone was pretty much working with picks and trowels. Elizabeth was at the site and helped out for a bit. However, progress was pretty low since the team got paid yesterday and today was our annual Tsaghkahovit party. At Burial 9, we only went down about 25cm before we found a vessel, followed by more vessels, a bronze bracelet around the radius of a juvenile. We also found an obsidian arrowhead in the screen-2 tangs. The individual was articulate--although a very large vessel was on the lower half of the body. I cleaned the entire thing, with the helo of Elizabeth and took photos and measurements for drawing. It took until 5:30pm to take everything out. There were a total of 5 vessels. The bottom of the chamber appears to be a large rock but I will have to clean it on Monday and screen all the other earth. It was also a stone lined cist.