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A busy day. Started out in locus 18, cleaning the walls of the doorway and bringing this area down to the level of locus 16. I then decided to open a new locus (21) adjacent to the flagstone floor, to the southeast, in order to try and capture the level of the floor in section, beneath the flagstone floor. The stratigraphy has been a bit confusing, because while the floor was visible in the north section of the probe (in the east corner), this same level could not be discerned in the southwestern section of the probe. But at the bottom of locus 21, it appears that we have reached what looks like a floor: a silt and clay surface (many splotches and lenses of clay) with burt earth splotches as well. Thus it appears that the stone floor must be resting right on top of the floor. The slabs of the floor are impressively thick and, even more, remarkably well faced on the southeast face. Today we also worked on locus 14, the area inside the trough. My goal was to get to the bottom course of the northwest wall. But the area is difficult to work in because it is so narrow, and the bottom course of the wall is made of massive stones which just keep going down. I was able to get to the bottom of some stones, but not all. Just not enough time, and the stones are embedded in a very packed clay. I suspect the lowest point of of the wall in only a few centemeters lower. Created several built loci today for the walls and stone floor of the operation.