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Today we are finally making progress on the jumble of rocks between T20 and T22, and they have resolved themselves into at least one wall and perhaps two. The one that is clearly a wall moves southwestward from the southeast corner of the central room of T22, making an oblique angle with both the south wall of the room in T22 and also the terrace wall between the two trenches. This wall is now locus T22.35, and the area to its west is T22.34, while the area to its east is T22.36, all of which lie under where T22.18 used to be. The second possible wall is about 1.5 m east of this one, possibly coming to a corner just north of the terrace wall. We need to clean this area better to be sure, but at any rate, I’ve closed T22.18 and so now the area to the east of this maybe-wall is T22.37. Material densities are still light for all new loci. In T20, we may now be finished with what we will work on this year. Locus 103 has continued to proffer a large amount of materials, but still no particular soil change or revealing and exciting stratigraphy. It is now below the level of the terrace wall in its eastern portion, and for now, we may be finished in this locus, since we have only about 3 days left. So for the final push, we will clear away more of the area north of the terrace wall and try to understand the second maybe-wall, clear down the central room of T22 to one level, and make everything perfect for photos. Now this may actually be possible—the wind has not been terrible for days; it was bad for a couple of hours on Friday, but we only had to stop work for maybe about 2 hours. Fingers crossed!