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An extremely hot and clear day today with just a touch of wind--good conditions for excavation, but very difficult for all the human beings involved. We ran out of water rather early in the day and had to send for more in Jamshlu.In AB3 we were able to clean a little more before photoraphing the locus 17 preparation, and arrangement of rocks and sherd scatter that appeared to consist of more than one cylindrical vessel and some other large pieces. Upon beginning to pull and clean those rocks and ceramics we exposed more of the scatter and photographed again. We filled 8 bags with pulled cramics, many of which will likely associate with 3 or 4 vessels upon restoration. All 8 bags are being sent to Vartan.With those materials pulled we continued to excavate the southern half of the pit as locus 18, subsequently cleaning and pulling additional rocks fallen into the pit. Material frequencies plummeted after the lcous 17 scatter however, and the matrix became more mottled and pocked with clay pieces. It should be added that directly under the sherd scatter was a clay lens on top of a black burn lens. Approximately 20 centimeters into locus 18 we arbitrarily switched to locus 19, as a check on the pit excavation process. This locus change also coincided with more rock pulling and further descent.In AB4 we spent the majority of the fighting our way through a tough clay layer (partially floor and partially floor "melt") lying on top of a partially preserved paved floor. We cleaned and pedestalled each stone, averaging 40cm in length, lying inside of the locus 6 matrix. The workers spent one hour diverted to AB1 backfilling while we went for water.