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A rather interesting roller coaster of a day--we lost Emil at the very beginning of the day when the Tsaghkahovit Villis broke down and he became the primary Tsaghkahovit transport. With 5 workers we continued to excavate the AB3 pit while Lilit simaltaneously drew the trench. At the same time, work progressed in operation AB4 where we continued to expose and clean the paved floor.The AB3 pit continues to give and give--the more sterile part of the pit (locus 18) was followed by the more material-rich locus 19 which produced higher materials frequencies, diagnostic LB ceramics, LB-type groundstones, and a stone jewelery mold! The mold contains identical designs to the two Gegharot molds found in T15 and T2E. Charcoal samples also accompanied the mold. Rock pulling and photos subsequently demonstrated the pit's widespread rock-fall or intentional rock fill, capped by large stones at the top of the fall. We then pulled these stones and continued to clean and descend through locus 19. Tomorrow morning we will excavate the pit as locus 20, and pull more stones. One soil sample from locus 19 today.In AB4 we were able to determine today that the locus 4 wall likley sits on (reddish) bedrock and that the "paved stone floor" exposed in the pit is likely a circular bedrock pit similar to the one cut in AB3, closed by a flat stone pavement, perhaps a late LB renovation. This situation was exposed at the base of locus 6, where we exposed views of the pit and the bedrock where the pavement was not present. We have new C14 samples from this area. In locus 7, in the eastern trench area, we are still cleaning stones and recovering mixed materials, including some nice EB ceramics and a possible EB projectile point.