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First day in the field without the rest of our team, Maureen and I the only supervisors still working. Today we again focused the entire team in AB4, although I moved some workers to AB1 to backfill duty when it got too crowded.In AB4 a very interesting architectural and depositional situation emerged throughout the day. In south trench, we exposed additional, lower portions of the locus 4 wall although we may have removed a large, likely wall stone in the process. We will attempt to replace it on Thursday--we cannot work tomorrow (Mon) due to a Gegharot funeral. It now appears as if the entire locus 4 wall is sitting directly on bedrock, with only about 203 courses preserved. In trench east we have cleared stones westward almost to the locus 4 wall, exposing a carved bedrock floor surface in the process, rather devoid of materials and covered in clay (locus 11).We also removed the large central square stone from AB4 today and began excavations of locus 10 underneath it, positioned close to the locus 8 pit fill. The locus 10 silty matrix was chock full of rodent and snail bones--this combined with the flat oblong "capstone" gives the impression of a tomb, although the only type I can imagine would be an EB tomb... Apparent constructions under the capstone only make the situation more confusing and intrguing.