The first day of a new season--as exciting and busy as ever. We worked a half day in the afternoon, much of which was spent selecting workers--this year a group of 21 people, which we've divided into 5 groups. There are many good veteran in the bunch. Elizabeth and I spent much of our time today laying out two trenches. One covers the entirety of WSN. I selected this room for several reasons: first, to gain a better understanding of the northeastern side of the precinct A complex; second, to focus on a smaller room in the hopes that, as a social space, it might be more akin to rooms G and H than the large rooms like D, C, and M, where flagstone floors appear to come at the expense of interesting artifact assemblages; and third, to explore the possibility that the northeasterly sectors of Precinct A may indeed be two separate complexes, in light of the apparent absence of a doorway along the northeasterly wall of WSH. The second trench that we laid out covers the unexcavated half of room I. The intention here is to complete the architectural plan of the central area of the precinct and to create yet another room for which we have a "complete" sample/ceramic assemblage. By the end of the day, working with 14 workers, we made significant progress in removing sod from both trenches, most importantly around the "perimeters" so that we could take down the string and stakes. I measured top elevations of locus 1 in both trenches and did initial photos. I will not be in the field for the next two days so that I can be with Avedis. Elizabeth will run the excavations.