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Spent the first part of the day today reorganizing work in operation WSN, which was rather irregular after the removal of topsoil. I closed locus 1 and started two new trenches with the aim of leveling out the trench. Locus 2 covers the interior southeastern half of the room, where the slope is most severe. In the course of excavating the dark, clean soil of this locus we began to expose the first and second courses of the southeast and southwest walls. The second new locus is in the northern quadrant of the trench--the same matrix as locus 2. Today we found three small finds, all in locus 2. One is a remarkable red polished sherd with a relief representation of the lower leg of a hoofed animal. Another is the fragment of a grider/polisher. And the third is a small piece of iron whose function is indeterminate. Lastly, much of today was spent introducing Katie Kearns to Tsaghkahovit. We also decided upon where to lay out her trench, in rooms AC and AD. The reasons for this selection were a) the architecture is well preserved in both rooms b) the architecture resembles that of Precinct A (thus hopefully signifying similar date) c) proximity to Precinct A. By tomorrow I expect to lay out Katie's trench and also complete locus 2 and 3 of WSN. WSI2 was left idle today.