We continued to find more charcoal in L502 (40 cm below datum), which was collected as Ar/Ge T19.502.C14.01B. In L502, we came down on a light brown, loose soil, which I started as a new locus (L505). In L505, we found large sherds and rims at the same level, right above a layer of loose yellow/orange soil. In the NE corner, there is a line of small stones that could possibly be architectural.
In L504, there was another yellow/orange clay lens in the NE corner, under where the ceramic scatter was yesterday. It was ~1m N/S and ~60 cm E/W. It starts between 48-50 cm below the datum. Rueben think this is a natural variation in the soils. Due to a mis-understanding, two buckets of soil from L504 were not screened. More large sherds, possibly from the same vessels are coming out in the hard, granular matrix, especially in the S half, at 63 cm below datum. In L504, we started to come down on a less compact, brown soil. In the NE corner, there was a layer of black/dark brown compact soil, under which is a loose, yellow granular soil.
Opened a new locus (L506), north of locus 502/505. Along the northern wall, we are seeing evidence of the black (burn) layer excavated previously, at about the same level as L502.