Spent the first part of today laying out Katie's trench in WSAC--a 5 x 4 against the east quadrant of the trench. In WSN, we finished loci 2 and 3 and closed both. In the south corner of the trench, in the interior part of the room, traces of a lighter (medium) brown clayish silt were visible. This new deposit extended along the southeast wall. Locus 4 captures this irregularly shaped matrix. Adjacent to locus 4 I created locus 5--also irregular in shape (see plan)--whose matrix is much the same clean dark silt as of locus 3 above. One jar stopper recovered today from locus 2. And one rather substantially sized charcoal sample collected from the bottom of locus 5 in what may in fact be an upper floor (as in WSH). Will confirm tomorrow. If the latter proves to be the case, this sample could be reassigned to the floor locus and selected for analysis. All workers present today.