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Today’s work was mostly in L104 and newly created L105, which cover roughly the same part of the trench. Some additional excavating and cleaning was done in L103. L104 and L105 represent the area of the trench just to the E of the N/S wall which separates the 2008 T22 from the current 2010 T22. The excavating in this area was done to both clean the E face of this wall, but also to better understand the relationship between the downslope loci (especially L103) and L104 and L105. Once L105 was opened just in case we were coming down on a floor, because a few large ceramic fragments were found lying relatively flat. This proved not to be the case, however, L105 did produce at least twice as many ceramics at L104. Excavation will continue in L105 tomorrow. The cleaning in L103 made it clear that most of the stones in the unit are wall tumble, and so tomorrow I will consult with Adam as to which stones should be removed and which should stay. Excavation in L103 did uncover a large (~ 1 m x 1 m) block in the middle of the locus. Finally, a carnelian bead was found in L103 as well. Depth and location measurements for this bead can be found in the object registry.