In the NE corner of the trench there are some large, dressed stones, some of which are certainly wall fall, but others lower in the pile may be part of LBA architecture in lower levels.
In L504, a small piece of groundstone was found (Ar/Ge T19.504.L.02) on the center of the southern edge of the locus..
We pulled the remaining ceramics from L505, and started a new locus (508) which will encompass the layer of loose, fine grained yellow soils east of the LBA wall. From the NW corner of the new locus, two macro-botanical samples were taken (Ar/Ge T19.508.MB.01-2). According to Reuben, the ceramics coming out of the NW corner of this locus are LBA.
In L506, some burned bones are coming out of an area in the SE corner, which are in a small bag in the bag of bones from the locus. One of the burned bones has cutmarks on it. Adam says that the large piece of ceramic just west of the “berm” feature may be part of an oven.
In L507, a small piece of a ceramic andiron was found in the bone and sherd scatter. The ceramics collected from this locus appear to be sherds from a very large storage vessel.