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I showed Adam the river pebble with the line incised around it, and he said to call it a polishing stone and give it an object number (Ar/Ge T19.505.L.01).
In L506, we found a retouched obsidian flake (Ar/Ge T19.506.L.02). Another retouched flake was found among the rockfall in the eastern part of the locus (Ar/Ge T19.506.L.03). We closed this locus today.
In L507, we found a small piece of charcoal, too small to collect. Adam and I decided to extend L507 to include the entire area of west of the LBA wall (which had formerly been L504). Some of the material from this level had already been collected as L504 (see photo). Some small pieces of burned bone are coming out of the center of the locus. There is another ceramic scatter with two small pieces of groundstone (Ar/Ge.T19.507.L.01-02). We also found a complete skeleton of a rodent, most likely intrusive. Rueben found a piece of rock which may be copper pyrite in L507.