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Began today by cleaning surface and walls for half an hour, then closed Locus 5 in the eastern corner partly to bring down level and to explore depth of more compact, mottled medium brown soil, which I declared as Locus 6. I measured the extent of this area as 2.4 m from the SE wall, and 3.8 m from the NE wall, and it abuts the NE and SE walls, and lies underneath the looser medium brown matrix of Locus 5. I began by taking two soil samples, as there have been a few scattered sightings of small, fine pieces of charcoal, one hugging the NE wall 2.2 m from the SE wall (#2, 119 BD 1), and the other in the eastern corner, .5 from the NE wall and 1m from the SE wall (#1, 120 BD 1). For elevations of Locus 6, see notebook. I had the crew begin by doing a half pass in this corner, while I redrew the rock fallout in the northern corner, as it had been cleaned and exposed more rocks underneath. Locus 5 produced a ceramic disk, possible jar stopper (see notebook for elevation and measurements) and two samples of charcoal, potentially seeds, throughout the day. I had the crew screen this locus, and at the end of the day it had produced two bags of bones and two of ceramics, but the matrix is very compact and hasn't been producing much. It has exposed more of the NE and SE walls in the eastern corner, although there is a strange lack of stones in the NE wall, at an elevation about 125. There is also a small stone in the NE wall revealing some plaster. The rest of the day was spent carefully watching the soil of Locus 6 to see if it changed as the depth dropped, but it didn't, and appears to be extending south and west into the other parts of the trench. At the end of the day we removed some of the rocks from the fallout that border Locus 6 and which I had already drawn.