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In L509, one of the rocks abutting the horseshoe of burned clay around the hearth (L511) is laying on top of a large rim sherd, perhaps related to the sherds found in the bottom of L511.
In L508, we found a small piece of groundstone (a pestle?) in the SE corner of the locus (Ar/Ge.T19.508.L.06). We also found a rock which looks like it might be an archaic stone tool. Rueben told me to collect it, but not to enter it into the system. In the screened dirt from the locus we found a stone bead/pendant (Ar/Ge.T19.508.L.07). In L508, there was a large acetabulum and a complete vertebrae (atlas or axis), just west of the “berm” feature and just south of the large sherds near the top of the “berm”, but at a lower level (2282.87 m). Near the acetabulum, there is another linear black stain at the same level. We found some more charcoal in L 508 (at 2282.86 m), just east of the large dressed stone that is against/in the northern trench wall (Ar/Ge.T19.508.C14.02). An obsidian projectile point (Ar/Ge.T19.508.L.08) was found when a bucket of dirt from just SW of the “berm” feature (at approx. 2282.84 m) was screened.
The large ceramic sherds which were next to the “berm” feature on the west side have been removed and are in bag 5 of the ceramics from L504. The cross section of the berm feature is: 5 cm of black soil, under that 5 cm of dark brown, and under that 10 cm of yellow/brown soil, though as you go south in the feature, the layer of dark brown gets thinner.