Today was again mostly spent trying to ascertain the limits of the darker soil in the western corner of the trench and to continue exposing more of the eastern corner. In the morning I started the crew off cleaning the western corner, and sketched in those rocks. After that the guys removed these rocks and worked at leveling this corner, which has been declared Locus 10, so that we can try to see the limits of the darker soil. It is possible that since this corner is likely the center of Room WSAC, the floor sloped, although the depth has dropped considerably. I also removed the in situ bones from Feature 9 in the northern corner except for the ones that are firmly embedded within the NW baulk. After lunch I closed Locus 6 and opened Locus 11, which is the same matrix (since the bottom of Locus 6 had been arbitrary) but extends over the southeast half of the trench, into the southern corner, although this soil is more dark brown. Locus 11 has a significant amount of small pieces of charcoal and there are still ceramic and bone artifacts being uncovered while cleaning and screening, suggesting that perhaps we are not entirely at the floor yet, or are closer to an original surface. The top of another course of stones is now visible along the SE wall. Also in the afternoon while troweling I noticed a circular depression in the northern quadrant, filled with modern grasses and roots and a lot of bugs, indicating a cachement of water or more moist soil. However, I could find no discernible ash or charcoal, and no ceramics, and the depression quickly became more clay like, indicating a bottom, only about 10 cm below the surface. It is unclear whether this is some sort of post hole, since the nature of the floor is still not known.