Today was spent bringing down the level of Locus 11 again and also the center of the trench, which I declared as Locus 14 in the morning as it included some of the wheelbarrow ramp, and was therefore a mixture of darker and more medium brown soil, and different from Locus 10 to the west and Locus 11 to the east. This locus consists of a lot of smaller rocks and slopes down toward the western corner. See notebook for sketch and measurements. Locus 11 is still going down in elevation and still producing a lot of charcoal and is especially yellow/brown in the eastern corner around the stones of the NE and SE walls. We screened this locus today and it is producing a lot of bones. Most of the day was spent dealing with cleaning and removing soil from the northeastern half of the operation. In the afternoon, I measured out operation WSAD, which cuts across the dividing wall between AC and AD and is 5 by 5 meters. The NW/NE baulk lines constitute the NW and NE walls of room AD. I took elevations and photographed the surface, and at the end of the day the crew started removing the topsoil/sod which I declared as Locus 1. At some time during the night, an animal ripped the bones of Feature 9 in the norther corner of WSAC that were in the baulk and dropped them in the corner, so I retrieved these.