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The area of mottled yellow/brown and dark brown expanded southward, so I closed locus 508, and open three new loci: L513, consisting of the area of light yellow/brown soil just east of the LBA wall; L514, the are of ashy medium brown soil, just west of the wall fall in the eastern part of the trench, and L515, the band of mottled dark brown/black soil in the middle, extending out from near the well dressed stone on the northern wall. In L513, there is a small post hole (diameter 10 cm) which is just SSW of the cruciform black stain. We took 2 macro-botanical samples from L513, just west of where it meet L515 (Ar/Ge.T19.513.MB.01-2). In the locus we found a squat stone cylinder (Ar/Ge.T19.513.L.01), a ceramic object which may be part of a spindle whorl (Ar/Ge.T19.513.CO.01), and a bone object which might be an oracle bone (Ar/Ge.T19.513.B.01). Along the LBA wall (on its eastern side) we are getting a diffuse linear black stain that runs north/south and another more defined one (much like the ones from L508) which runs east/west and intersects it. We found a small pit, filled with a loose, yellow, sandy matrix which is now L516.