Today was an uneventful day, but we got a lot done in both operations, WSAC and WSAD. I had 6 workers for the first time, so I split the group into groups of three. In WSAD, the crew removed the rest of the sod/topsoil Locus 1, and started on Locus 2, the continuation of the dark loamy soil of the overburden. In WSAC, we worked on continuing to bring down the level of Locus 11, beginning in the eastern corner. There is a considerable amount of charcoal, and we were screening so the Locus is producing a lot of small bones and a significant amount of ceramics still. Also today the tops of another course of the NE and SE walls are visible, further indicating that we are not at the bottom of this floor yet, if indeed Locus 11 is a floor context. The matrix has not changed and is still a mottled, medium brown. The day was cut short due to incoming rainstorm.