Today we tentatively found the extent of the lighter soil matrix that comprises Locus 3, in the east corner. We also cleaned the jumble of rocks in that corner, and I drew them. The easternmost extent of the jumble is most certainly on dirt, leading me to believe that they are really just a jumble, but we'll see next week when we work in that locus again. Today I had 2 extra workers, which allowed me to really begin to clean walls, too, not just to move dirt. However, there is still a /lot/ of dirt to be moved. I also closed Locus 9, just because it was an enormous locus, and also, its soil was disappearing over the majority of its extent. However, in the middle of the room, on the SW side of WSI2, there is still the same dark soil matrix, which we also continued to dig today. So, we're making progress, but every day just seems so slow. I think that that is more the function of the size of the trench, but I really hope we're able to finish.