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All but the first sample that Ruben took to the geologists were nothing. The first one, from L507, was a nice piece of iron ore. What we thought was malachite in L514 was not, but the piece from 508 was malachite or agate.
In Locus 514, there is another curvilinear section of the raised, dark brown, compact soil in the southern part of the locus. We uncovered a large number of large, burnt bones in this locus. We found a small piece of charcoal in the southern part of the locus, right on the border between L514 and L515, at a depth of 2282.72 m, which was collected as Ar/Ge.T19.514.C14.02. Two macro-botanical samples were taken near the border between L514 and L515 (Ar/Ge.T19.514.MB.01-02). A small retouched flake of translucent obsidian was found in the NW corner of the locus, almost under the large dressed stone along the northern wall of the trench (Ar/Ge.T19.514.L.02). We also found a large ceramic disk (“bottle stopper”), just west of the raised feature in the southern end of the locus (Ar/Ge.T19.514.CO.02). In the SW corner of the locus, we found a small, whole shell (Ar/Ge.T19.514.SH.01), possibly from a snail, as well as an unknown mineral (at 2282.72 m) to show to the geologists. We took another macro-botanical sample nearby (in the SE corner of the locus).We found another retouched flake (Ar/Ge.T19.514.L.03) in the SE corner of the locus.
In L515, we took three macro-botanical samples, one in the north (Ar/Ge.T19.515.MB.01), one in the middle (Ar/Ge.T19.515.MB.02), and the south (Ar/Ge.T19.515.MB.03). In the bottom of Ar/Ge.T19.515.MB.03, we found a red sherd with two raised dots. The soil in this locus is mottled dark brown and black, and there appears to be more raised, compact, black features. We found half of a polishing stone (Ar/Ge.T19.515.L.01), just south of the large dressed stone, and a stone disk/”bottle stopper” (Ar/Ge.T19.515.L.02) in the NW corner of the locus. We took a sample of charcoal for C14 dating (Ar/Ge.T19.515.C14.01) just south of the large, well dressed rock along the northern wall.