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In L515, on the southern border of the locus, we found a large, thick, burnt sherd that looks like it might have been part of an oven. There is another pit in L515, filled with the same yellow, sandy, granular matrix, which is quite shallow and has no artifacts in it, which is L521. We also found a pit, just east of the block of unexcavated sediment in L515, which is L522. It was also filled with the yellow, granular, sandy matrix, as well small amounts of burned bones, red ceramic sherds, and obsidian flakes.
The part of T19 east of the LBA wall now consists of two sections. First, the section of dark brown/gray (possibly ashy?) soil that characterizes the eastern part (as well as L514) which is now locus 523, and second, the light/yellow brown soil which characterizes the western half (as well as L513), which is now locus 523. There is still some dark brown staining along the border of L523 and L524.
In L523, you can still see some of the black staining, just inside of the LBA wall, but it consists of a smaller area than in L513 and is still not well defined. We found a small fragment of groundstone on the southern border of the locus (Ar/Ge.T19.523.L.01). We found a small ceramic fragment (Ar/Ge.T19.CO.01), which may be part of a zoomorphic figure, in the center of the locus, on the edge of L516.