Today unfortunately the WSAC operation was still wet, so I decided to wait again until it had warmed up to begin screening after lunch. Found a decapitated chicken covered with loose dirt in the trench when we arrived and began digging. In the morning, the crew cleaned and continued removing Locus 6 (dark loamy soil) in WSAD. After the first break they began breaking the larger boulders in the trench (which are all fallout from either the potential blocked doorway or the partition wall between WSAC and WSAD) which took about 4 hours. These rocks were mostly all large basalt boulders that took a while to fracture. They all seem to be resting on the darker soil of the overburden, aside from the ones directly near the partition wall. I chose not to remove several larger rocks that still lay in the area of the potential doorway, and to wait until it was cleaned more properly. After lunch we managed to screen Locus 11 in WSAC for about half an hour, but the soil was indeed still wet and it started raining, further frustrating the process. However from the little done, it is clear that more charcoal is appearing in this recent pass in the Locus. At the end of the day the crew cleaned most of the rock debris from WSAD and continued bringing the elevation down in Locus 2. In the eastern corner and along the SE baulk the soil remains very dark.