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The trenches were drenched today due to yesterday's rain, making it impossible to screen for most of the day. We started the day working in locus 13 and 14. The dark brown silt wash continues in locus 14 to a considerable depth, with no visible change in matrix on the horizon. This locus is proving to be very rocky--several large stones toward the southeast side of the locus which we will clean in order to determine whether they are a feature or wall fall (more probably).

During the second half of the day we were able to screen locus 12. Working in this area, it is apparent that the southwest wall continues for another course (the 5th!). Yet the matrix at the bottom of locus 12 again resembles that of locus 07--a clayish silt, medium brown speckled with charcoal and small bits of bone. This seems like a floor, yet the wall keeps on going.

Today we opened a new locus--locus 15--the last area of what had been locus 06 (between locus 07 and locus 12, against the southwest wall). The matrix is the same as that of locus 12--a clayish medium brown silt probably associated with the wall's coating or superstructure.