A less busy day in T27 as we photographed and Hasmink took most of the day to draw the ceramics in situ. We’ll begin to remove them tomorrow. First thing we removed the plastic sheeting (which was a great idea since it rained very hard last night and would have disturbed some of the ceramics), and cleaned for the photo. Then, I set the crew to work in L07, L09 and L10 (which I opened just today as the area to the N of L09 and to the E of L07). These loci are downslope from L05 and L06 (wall?) and very few finds were coming from them. However, the real goal with these loci is to better elucidate the E face of L06 (wall), and at least in the S of the trench (L09) and the construction seems to be substantial. We’ll spend more time (next week probably since we’ll be returning to L05 and L11 to remove the ceramics tomorrow and likely Saturday as well) trying to sort out the architecture to go along with the large ceramic deposit.
I made a rough sketch (on graph paper, so not in the notebook) of L05 and the ceramics there in order to label them for removal tomorrow. I’ve decided to open each as its own locus (and will take elevations for each before we remove them), and so I labeled each on the drawing in order to keep track of them. Seems like we have 27 different ceramics so far. Making each its own locus should help us keep track of flotation, pollen washing, etc., as well as help to keep various sherds from the same pot together to make reconstruction easier.