Since there are EBA ceramics coming out of L530, after leveling, I opened a new locus (L531). Locus 531 has both EBA and LBA ceramics. The soil in L531 is the same as L530, a dark grey/brown. In L531, we found a piece of groundstone (Ar/Ge.T19.531.L.01), just along the LBA wall (3.25 m east of the western wall of the trench and 2.25 m south of the northern wall of the trench). Just east of the LBA wall (2.0 m south of the north wall of the trench), there is a small area of light yellow/brown soil which is highly compact. It appears that we may hit the bottom of the LBA wall, at least in the southern part of the locus. In the northern part, there is another course of stones, which may belong to an EBA wall that the LBA wall was built on top of.