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Spent most of the day working in locus 18. In the course of doing so, we exposed a bedrock outcrop toward the south end of the locus, which encroaches considerably into the room. It appears to be plaster coated, just as the two semi-rectilinear/trapezoidal flat stones in locus 17 and 18. We ended work in locus 18 on what I think is the floor, which now reaches across locus 17 and 18 (where there is not the bedrock). Decided to hold off on excavating/photographing/sampling this "lower" floor until we bring down more of the room toward the southeast. So, toward the end of the day, I took four more soil samples (consecutive numbering would be 5, 6, 7, 8) from locus 07 for macrobotanical analysis. Will continue on Thursday by excavating locus 07.